Frequently Asked Questions- Hosted Group Trips

Q: What is the average group size?
The group trips can start at 10-20 guests, depending on the style of trip and the country!

Q: Are the group trips just for women?
Unless the trip states it’s ‘Women Only’. We cater to both professional men and women looking to travel and have a good time.

Q: What is the average age?
We welcome travelers of all ages 21+ to join us on our hosted group trips. Most travelers age range from early twenties to late forties.

Q: Who is the ideal traveler for your group trips?
Someone who is open to new experiences
-Someone who is patient, flexible, not a complainer and gets along well with others
-Someone who can appreciate and respect different people, cultures, and customs
-Someone who is ready to have fun, meet new people & have a good time

Q: What does single or double occupancy mean?
Single Occupancy = 1 person in a room; Double Occupancy= 2 people in a room and each person pays the double occupancy rate.

Q: How do I protect my trip if something unforeseen happens?
We highly recommend purchasing travel insurance - this ensures that you are insured should unforeseen complications occur like severe weather or medical emergencies. We have insurance companies we recommend but please research travel insurance companies on your own that suits your needs and coverage requirements. It’s recommended to select cancel for any reason as an option when purchasing travel insurance - the added layer of protection is certainly worth it.

Q: What insurance companies do you recommend?

A: We recommend Travelex, Travel Guard and Allianz insurance, but we encourage you to research travel insurance companies on your own to make sure it suits your needs and coverage requirements.

Travel insurance must be purchased before you travel, preferably before final payment. If you are interested in purchasing from Travelex, Travel Guard or Allianz click the links below.

Travelex: Click Here

Travel Guard: Click Here

Allianz: Click Here

Q: How are payments made?
For select tours, your payments will be processed by our agency and paid directly to the tour operators. You must authorize each payment. Timely payments are required to keep your reservation current. You are allowed to pay more each month to pay off your trip quicker or pay in full. You will receive a receipt once each payment is processed. We suggest you put the payment plan schedule on your personal calendar. Reminders will be sent via email 1 week prior to each due date. You must ensure your roommate, if applicable, is also making timely payments.

Q: Can I book the trip after the payments have begun?
Yes, you can book the trip if there is still space available. You will need to make the deposit, then continue to make payments until the trip is paid off by the final due date or pay in full.

Q: If I select a payment plan, what happens if I can’t make a payment?
We understand some months can be harder than others. You are allowed to miss one payment; you just cannot skip the first or last payment. If you need to skip a month, send us an email, and let us know! All payments must be completed by the final payment deadline to ensure your spot on the trip. If you fail to make a payment for 60 days without any communication to us or miss the final payment, your reservation is subject to cancellation.

Q: What happens if my roommate drops out and cancels their reservation?
If your roommate cancels their reservation, you will be responsible for finding a new roommate or you must pay the additional cost for the room occupancy change.

Q: What if I have to cancel my reservation?
Travel insurance is highly recommended. The trip cancellation policy varies. Please contact us as soon as possible if you must cancel for any reason. Trip cancellation request must be received in writing and emailed to

Q: Do you provide roommate matching?
Roommate matching may be available on select tours. If not, single occupancy rates are available.

Q: What happens if the group is unable to travel to a particular country?
Should the decisions of government authorities and/or airlines based on restrictions or mandates inhibit the travel of participants during scheduled dates, Destination E will discuss the best decision for the group as a whole. Deposits or payments previously made may be held and any remaining payments will be scheduled according to the new travel dates. Or you may be able to receive a full or partial refund or credit depending on the tour operator’s policies.

Q: Does your agency assist with booking roundtrip flights for group trips?
Unless noted each guest is responsible for booking their own roundtrip flights. If assistance is needed, our agency can provide information on flight options. Any intra-tour flights apart of the itinerary will be scheduled and booked.

Q: When will I receive the final trip itinerary?
The final travel itinerary and a travel package will be sent via email and mail about 2 weeks prior to travel.

Q: What is your Client Conduct Policy?
You are expected to act responsibly and adhere to all behavior guidelines established by Destination E and our Suppliers. Destination E and all Suppliers reserve the right to remove you from any facility, hotel or resort property, tour location or means of transportation if your health or your conduct appears to endanger yourself or others, disrupts the general well-being of other clients on any element of your trip, or interferes with the operation or security of the places we visit. In any such case, there will be no refund.

Q: What happens if I'm late to an activity during the trip?
Be considerate of everyone's time and schedule; you don't want to miss anything! Be in the hotel lobby or pick up location 15 minutes before the scheduled time to ensure the trip remains on schedule.

Q: What are the passport requirements?
For some countries, you must have at least 2 blank pages when entering the country and no less than 6 months before your passport expires. For more information on the particular country you’re visiting, check out:

Q: What if I don’t have a passport and it doesn’t come in time for the trip?
It is your responsibility to obtain a valid passport in time for the trip. You are responsible for any change or cancellation fees if your passport doesn’t come in time, your name is spelled incorrectly, or if any other information is incorrect. Your passport application can be denied for unpaid child support, taxes or if you have a criminal history, so please keep that in mind. We encourage you to purchase insurance just in case you come across any issues. 

Q: Where can I find more information about a country I'll like to visit?
A: Resource:
Click Here

Q: What is STEP?
The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Click Here to enroll.

Q: Where can I find more information on recommended travel vaccines or medications for a particular country?
A: Resources:
Passport Health USA- 
Click Here
CDC Recommended Clinics: 
Click Here 

Please consult with your physician or medical professional. 

Q: Do I need a visa to travel to a particular country?
For more information on what’s needed to obtain a visa, cost, or assistance with applying for one check out: CIBT  

Q: Is transportation to/from the airport/hotel provided?
On select tours when it’s stated, transportation is included. Failure to submit your flight information by the particular date noted will result in you forfeiting your airport transfers. If you plan to arrive in the country early or extend your trip, you are responsible for booking your own round trip airport transportation to/from the accommodations.